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Big House Memories

Captions by Chris Epting  •  Photography by Kimberly Annette   Where the Allman Brothers Band called home back in the early 1970s is less than two hours down the road from Atlanta. When TheRockRag went ...
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Southern Dreams – The Peach Music Festival

43 YEARS AND A CUP OF FELLOWSHIP WELCOME FRIENDS AND NEWCOMERS! While the Bougainvillea grows, the peaches swelter in the summer heat. Somewhere in the distance, guitars are tuned, the PA roars to life, and...
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Excerpts from The Eternal Peach

Excerpts from The Eternal Peach A Salute to the Allman Brothers Band and the Road Most Traveled “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” - Winston Churchill...